| Forum Rules |
These rules must be followed throughout the entire forum. Whether you choose to RP or not, these rules apply everywhere, and breaking any of these rules results in a severe punishment.
Rule #1: NO SPAMMING. By spam I'm referring to flaming, racist remarks, short posts, double posting, using text speak (h1 my n4m3 1s b0b wuts urs?), posting complete gibberish, not writing in English, and Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages (SPAM). Spamming is allowed in its appropriate forum, which is quite easy to identify, but not in the Chat Box or in normal forums. Flaming and racial slurs will get an immediate ban from the Chat Box, or a temporary ban from the site for a day. As for the rest of the spam, you will receive a warning. If it persists you'll be banned accordingly. Double posting is allowed to bump topics, and if absolutely necessary. Otherwise, use the "edit" button instead of spamming three posts when you could have used one.
Rule# 2: No explicit language or images. That includes racist remarks and any form of pornography ranging from videos to images to even RP sex. Depending on how severe the breaking of this rule is you can get a minimum of one week ban to a permanent IP ban. Curse words can be used in moderation, but using words like sh*t and f*ck repeatedly and for no reason will get you warned or possibly banned. This also means no being rude to the staff or other members of the site. Insulting and flaming other members or staff will result in a warning before being banned for whatever time limit the staff sees fit.
Rule #3: Grammar. You must have proper grammar if you're planning on posting on this site. In the discussion forums this rule isn't enforced as much but in the RP forums your grammar must be as close to perfect as you can make it. That means using capital letters, periods, commas, and other punctuations where necessary. This also includes spelling. If you have the latest version of Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome they all have built in spell checks for both Windows and Mac, so there is no excuse for poor spelling.
Rule #4: No Plagiarism! Without citation at least. If you use something without crediting the work anywhere in that post you will be banned for at least a week. Using quotations and crediting the owner of the work are highly advised that's what the "quote" tags are for. Common phrases do not need citations. You will be given a warning the first time you plagiarize and will be given a warning every time you plagiarize unless you plagiarize very often. All posts containing plagiarism are deleted if not corrected. Stealing other people's information is not only insulting but very cowardly, so just don't do it.
Rule #5: No advertising without the permission of an admin, or outside the advertising area. If you wish to affiliate with this site, feel free to email me or PM me before hand.
Rule #6: Do not harass the staff members about becoming a moderator or admin. This is extremely annoying and you will most likely be blocked by the staff or deleted. If we need staff, we will have applications set up.
Those are all the rules for now, more may be added later if necessary. Check out the RP Rules if you plan on Role Playing on this site. By making a single post on this forum you acknowledge that you have read and understood these rules, and that failure to understand or read these rules cannot be used as an excuse or defense.